
Sunday, October 31, 2010

hope my deamz will become true :)

heyyyyllooo! hey guys! lame kn i da x tlis blog? RINDUUUUU! hahhaha..weh kauowng mau thu x? musuh ak da baek nan ak ! tpi atc die tu sbnrnye musuh sowng2 taw..pdehal ak mane buad jht nan die! =.= die yg tibe tuduh i curi die punye bf?? ohhoiiii! PURLEASE! x dek mase okeyh! kau thu x kau n die dah BREAK! sedar bolehhhhh! ergh! nieh lar keturunan bdk yg x sedar diri lar kate kn! hahahah....bodoh punye pompuan! x batak lar weh ak nk bf oppsss sori ex kau okey! die yg dtg kt ak then pjk2 ak soh kapel nan die okeyh! klu kau bace lar blog ak nieh...ak bersyukur dowww! gewam gituuuuuuh! hahhaha.,..da lar pompuan x thu diri dah ade pakwe pon still syg kn bf K LAGI...!YG AK TERTANYE tanye skung ,if die still syg kn EX die nape die tinggal kn ex die? =.=
wehhh! if kau syg kn ex kau , nape hal kecik pon nk dibesar kn? konon nye nk mintak simpati dri owng lar? weh orng laen pun x batak nk dgr mslh kau tuan puteri! ahhaahha...weh skung ak nk kau lupe kn bf ak n blah jauh2 dlm idop kiteong....! biar tenang skit jiwa n hati kiteowng! okey? dealll? hshhhahaha..i hope u understand ukeyyhhh! hehehhe... 

* atc bende nieh x kene mengene nan tajuk die kn? hahahaha =)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

i miss you so much dear bezt fren! ='((

heyyyyyyyyy! i missing him! weh serius aku ckp ak rindu ko gler3...! tlong lar text ak ko jln dpn ak pon ko wat bodo? ape ko nk sebenarnye huh? ak x phm! okey! ak sedar,..time ko text nan ak ,ak menyampah kt ko..but now ak x thu nape ak sgt2 syg kt ko..bkn ke ko nk jumpe ak sgt? okey kite jumpe..n time ak jumpe ko ak nk pelok ko gler2 beb.! ak syg kt ko gler2 lar laki! ak x thu lar ko wat ape nan ak smpi ak jdi mcm nie! ====" but idont care.! ak nk jgk ko text ak plezzz!='(ko sorang jew yg wat ak cam nie dow..ak x kesah ak dianggp curang ke hape ke! ak x kesah! pleaz come back to me ! n text me! n hug me! n whatever! plezzzz! =') i hope sooo much!


* Kiss on the Forehead: We're cute together .
* Kiss on the Cheek: We're friends.*
*Kiss on the Hand: I adore you.*
*Kiss on the Neck: I want you, now.*
*Kiss on the Shoulder: Your perfect.*
*Kiss on the Lips: I LOVE YOU...

*and can't get them out of your head.
*then add this to ur favorites within One Minute and   Whoever you are missing  will surprise you.

# ilubbbbbbbyouuuusyggggsooomuuchhh! 



 <3  It's the times we're so crazy,
    that people think we're high.
    It's the times we laugh so hard,
    we can't help but cry.
    It's all the inside jokes
    and "remember whens".
    those are all the reasons
    that we're best friends!

         When we first talked to each other
         I knew we would always be friends.
         Our friendship has kept on growing
         And I'll be here for you to the end.

<3  You listen when I have a problem
       And help dry the tears from my face.
        You take away my sorrow
         And put happiness in its place.


 * ilubbbbbbiiiiiuuuuuuussssooooomuuuuchhhh!<3

Friday, October 1, 2010

hummmmm..='( )

hello! ='( hey guys! ak tga sad dow..sumpah bengang.! weh betina psl ari tu ak maen2 pon ko nk citer kt bf ak ke?! cam puki mak anjing tonyeh dow! =.= humm..sial dow....sbb ko ak gado! asl mesti ko?  chipanzeee! ergh! weh tlng jgn BUSYBODY hal ak bole kn? ergh...ko owng mara skit pon  nk nagis ape cite! ngade2 dow..jgn smpi ak sepak ko smpi terblik kt tong sampah sudA! bf ko punye lar kacak! ceh handsome! ko nk gak bf ak dow! ak x thu lar...ergh tah lar dow...whateverlar...! ko nk amik die ,amik lar...skung nie ak da mlz nk serabut kn otak ak dow! da lar weh...bye3..nitez4! muahxxxxx3! hahaha